Register with ALERT MARIN and NIXLE Marin County to receive EMERGENCY ALERTS on your phones
If you live, work or go to school in Marin County and are 18 and over, you may now register your cell phone or VoIP (voice over internet protocol) phone to receive emergency alerts sent by call, text, or email from the County of Marin. Muir Beach residents are encouraged to sign up.
To find out if schools are closed: Marin County School Closures.
Muir Beach Residents: Hang a towel by your entrance to indicate you're safe and need no help.
USDA food assistance for disaster relief.
Get financial assistance after a disaster.
Contact US Small Business Administration (SBA) Disaster Assistance
Recovering from a fire can be a physically and mentally draining process.
When fire strikes, lives are suddenly turned around. Often, the hardest part is knowing where to begin and who to contact.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) United States Fire Administration (USFA) has gathered the following information to assist you in this time of need. Action on some of the suggestions will need to be taken immediately. Some actions may be needed in the future while others will be on-going. The purpose of this information is to assist you as you begin rebuilding your life.
U.S. Fire Administration
Get the details: FEMA Outreach after a fire
FireSafe Marin has a Wildfire Evacuation Guide.
Learn how to begin cleaning up and recovering after a home fire
Quick Tips During an Earthquake: has details about help after an earthquake.
Be informed about flooding at
Check NOAA's National Weather Service for weather updates
Contact EPA for help after flooding disasters.
Tsunami Warning Center has real-time tsunami information.
Watch "MARIN TSUNAMI," a video that tells the story of what several West Marin communities are doing to be prepared for a tsunami emergency.
Muir Beach Residents Hang a towel near the road to signal "I'm OK"
Fire Hwy 1 Near Muir Beach - October 24, 2019 Wildfire
Loma Prieta Earthquake Damage- San Francisco
Lightening Storm Over Muir Beach
Pelican Inn Parking Lot, Muir Beach, April 7, 2018
"Lake Manzanita" Mill Valley, January 2017
Muir Beach Volunteer Fire Department is 100% volunteer. That means ALL donations go DIRECTLY towards keeping our volunteer firefighters well trained and equipped. Thanks for your support.